Ongoing Rentals /Classes

At Evolution, we strive to give artists a safe, creative space to work on their craft and share their art. However, due to our current availability, we are limiting the number of ongoing class rentals at Evolution.
Please call our office to inquire about available time slots if you wish to hold an ongoing class, and to go over any additional requirements/information needed for booking these types of rentals.
All independent instructors are required to carry liability insurance and name Evolution Dance Studios, Inc., as an "additional insured" on their insurance policy.
All independent instructors are required to also book an additional 15 minutes before and 15 minutes after their classes to allow for set up / registration and "loadout" once their class ends. That way the class can get its full time.
All registration must take part inside the booked studio and not in the common areas (lounge, patio, etc.).
Instructors must book the appropriate size room for their class to not exceed our maximum room occupancy.
Are you interested in hosting ongoing classes as an Independent Instructor? Please fill out the form below.